The mission of emotionwear is dual: we want to give our customers both the emotion of being able to customize and make a unique dress to wear and the possibility of communicating their emotions with non-verbal messages through lights and colors.
Digital Fabrication
Digital fabrication
Emotionwear collection is the fusion of digital tailoring and innovation, fine fabrics and sensors, LEDs and buttons.
Emotionwear collection’s garments features the simplicity of shapes made harmonious by technology: basic geometric shapes adapt to the body thanks to notches created by laser cutting.
Emotionwear is born from the three-year collaboration between makers with complementary skills. The “emotional shirt” project belongs to a larger collection designed and presented by the emotionwear team.
Rome Maker Faire 2019: irishtechnews talk about us
At the Maker Faire Rome October 18th-20th, 2019, we met with numerous journalists and startup incubators. On October 25th, 2019, the first article on the irishtechnews website is online, discussing emotionwear and the innovation in fashion introduced by Digital Manufacturing and technologies such as laser-cut and 3D printing.
Trieste miniMaker Faire 25-26 may 2019
To celebrate the 6th edition of the event hosted by ICTV (International Centre for Theoretical Physics)and dedicated to the Makers, emotionwear presented Spritz Dress the dress to celebrate with two live performances on stage and interations with the audience. Each participant challenged the Spritz Dress in a tablet quiz to try to win a cocktail …
Manifattura Milano Camp and ADay March 16th 2019
Manifattura Milano Camp and ADay 16 March 2019 has been a unique occasion in which wearable fashion was triumphant . The official Arduino day 2019 took place in an exceptional location c/o the Milano Luiss Hub for Makers and Students, host of the event Manifattura Milano Camp. A double happening aiming to those who, like …
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